Pierrot and Hat - Multi-Sized Pattern PDF or Print

  • $8.99

PATD07 ~ Pierrot Jacket & Hat (c. 1780s)
Professionally made paper pattern including color photos and instructions for making the late 18th century style Pierrot jacket and the large hat pictured above.
The pierrot became very popular in the 1780s and 90s. It consisted of a bodice with a ruffled tail in back. The ruffled skirting in back could be various lengths, with any sort of trimming, and were most commonly added on to the bodice at the waist seam, but many fashion plates show them cut in one with the back of the bodice. They were low cut so a Fichu was needed for additional coverage. The literal French definition of just the word pierrot is sparrow". 

Options to order:
1.  PDF File to download and print  from your own computer
2.  Printed in black and white and mailed to you - shipping will apply

Pattern multi-sized for two popular 18" Dolls: 
~ for American Girl Dolls and Gotz
~ for the slim Carpatina Dolls and Kidz n Cats
This professionally made sewing pattern includes photos and instructions.

Difficulty Level: Medium 

Materials Needed
- 1/3 yard main fabric
- 1/4 yard lining
- 18" fabric for hat
- 1/2 yard ribbon for hat
- Matching thread

Dress forms  Pierrot and Hat - Multi-Sized Pattern PDF or Print  and Petticoat  Pierrot and Hat - Multi-Sized Pattern PDF or Print

Carpatina patterns are intended for personal use. They can also be used for small scale business as long as you credit us for the pattern design such as "Made using a Carpatina Pattern" listed on your websites, Ebay or similar selling sites.