Pajamas PDF Pattern
PATD02 ~ Summer Pajamas ~ PDF File to download and print
Pattern comes with all components in two popular 18" Dolls Sizes
~ for American Girl Dolls and
~ for the slim Carpatina Dolls
Professionally made sewing pattern includes photos and instructions for making the pants and top variation pajamas pictured above.
Check other PDF Patterns
Difficulty Level: Easy to Medium
Materials Needed:
- 1/3 yard main fabric
- 1/4 yard lining
- 4" contrast fabric
- 1/3 yard lace trim
- 3 snaps for closure
- Matching thread
Carpatina patterns are intended for personal use. They can also be used for small scale business as long as you credit us for the pattern design such as "Made using a Carpatina Pattern" listed on your websites, Ebay or similar selling sites.